Chapter 11: Father's Farewell Blessing
As if an alarm had sounded in her mind, Arielle knew that it was now her time to go. She was summoned to the great throne room of the Father.
"Oh my, and I haven't a thing to wear!" Whereupon a spacious warehouse was instantly opened before her and who other than Adoni ushered her into a gorgeous Boutique.
"And how may I assist the lady? " His very smile caused the whole world to respond in spontaneously bloomed; colors auditioned in new spectacular arrays; music composed itself in synergistic symphonies. All life absorbed His glory and replied in glorious splendor!!
"All this just for me," beamed Arielle?
"This is a very special day for a very special Sister," insisted Adoni.
Whenever a child visited their precious Father or Mother they would make a very special gift from their heart of hearts, all by themselves, just for them. This was their very own time, personal and sacred, to share with Parents, the epitome of self fulfillment.
"Will I ever be able to become just like them," was the ever haunting question? Yet inevitably, the inner response was hopeful and singing in the affirmative!
By the power and speed of thought, she found herself standing before the most magnificent mansion in all the World of worlds, Arielle's heart seemed ready to explode, not only because she was overjoyed to be in the presence of the Father of Lights, but also knowing that she would soon be leaving this paradise!
"You will only be gone a short time, even by Earth standards and you will still be with your loved ones, there as well!" Father's resounding words were soothing and strengthening. He stood and rushed to her side, giving her an embrace and tender kiss which left Arielle dazed and delighted.
"Today, my gift is my hair, styled after Mother's. Do you like it?" Arielle anxiously anticipated.
As if she had hit him in the stomach, and with tears in His eyes, Father fondly acknowledged, "You look more beautiful than I have ever remembered!! And yes you are a splendid image of your most lovely Mother."
"Oh Father, thank you for your precious time and presence," she sighed .
"Not as precious as you and my love for you!" announced the Father exultantly, as He playfully pulled Arielle into a dance step. Adoni, Hakodesh, Father and Mother laughed with Arielle until their tears flowed, as they did in all of Shamayim, which was keenly aware of Arielle's farewell.
Father then gently escorted only Arielle into His throne room and there sat her down upon His awesome and bedazzling throne looking out on eternity. " someday all this will be yours Daughter!"
"I have such a long way to go to merit this Father," insisted Arielle, fidgeting uncomfortably upon the center seat of cosmic command!
"And a long way you shall go and then return unto us with great honor and glory," Father gently insisted.
"That honor and glory I rightly return unto you most beloved Father," sobbed Arielle.
"I will gladly accept your offering and then share all that I have with you, most noble Daughter." Father solemnly promised!
He then placed the most hallowed hands in all the universes upon her head and pronounced, as she felt the light and energy of a trillion stars penetrate her being:
"Arielle, Daughter of the Most High Zevas, I give unto you a Father's blessing as you embark upon the most marvelous journey of your remarkable life. You have been a wonderful Daughter to your Mother and I and have served me well in the family cause of immortality and eternal life."
"You have apprenticed admirably in the service of Adoni and are an excellent student of the great Hakodesh. You have chosen well in your Divine gift of agency throughout your existence to keep your First Estate. You have humbly allowed Adoni to exonerate your mistakes. You have learned well and have been valiant in helping redeem the many Nevmas who had been deceived by Samael and the negative forces that they had embraced."
"Now it is time for you to exchange your potent intellect, for element! Arielle, remember that as you progress in the doctrine of Mashia, which is the lifestyle of truth and light, you will be rewarded with a portion of that intelligence you so willingly leave behind."
"Your faith in Adoni, who will be called Mashia, will blossom into a perfect knowledge so Kohanim can distill upon your soul all the mysteries of Zeva, even in mortality."
"I give unto you every achievement and honor which you have so diligently earned in your work with us in all our governed worlds. These divine gifts I now bestow, will be a vestige of your work and dedication here, for you to reclaim and develop, then fully magnify on earth as you faithfully keep in touch with Me in prayer."
"Arielle, I will miss you dearly and will miss our precious associations, your infinite wit and wisdom and the greatest of all beauty you share with your Mother and other Sisters."
"Remember always, to call upon your crowning gift of Agency. Remember, the Illuminating gift of your Conscience. Remember, your endowment of Imagination. Use these inner senses for your positive advancement and they will never fail you."
"As I have referred to, I now seal unto you that characteristic ability that you have laboriously developed while here with Adoni. You may refer to it as your Celestial Superpower, which will call out to you as a dream while on earth. Your mastery, together with others with their own unique abilities, will enable you to minister unto your Brothers and Sisters becoming a Healing Helper of Mashia. Only then will you be capable to recreate a kingdom worthy of the return of the Lord when he descends with the Kingdom of Shamayim to finalize the work of mortality."
"This Talent you must relearn from the Master, from whence you originally learned all you now know. This is the true fruit of refreshing and propels the gears within the circle of life. Your relationship with him will enable you to regain this unique world and people building power, unite your eternal family and fit you in the kingdom on earth. Your Brothers and Sisters are depending upon you to consecrate that which is of most worth within you to complete Tsion."
"And again, Hakodesh will reveal to you all things as I foreordain you to forge my kingdom that you may safely and speedily progress through the World of Nevmas to return home, and receive your Third and eternally glorious Estate. So be it! "
They again embraced for what seemed an eternity. Father sadly turned to leave and Arielle was left to herself to completely absorb and ponder upon this spectacularly singular honor, her Father's Farewell Blessing!
Mother next entered into the room, so gracious and elegant was she who embodied all beauty, loveliness, intelligence and charity. To be in her presence left Arielle once more both humbled and exalted.
"It looks like a good hair day dear!" blurted out her usually composed and proper Matriarch. They both giggled like school girls to take the edge off the sanctity of the moment.
"Sweetheart, I know Father has now equipped you with all the materials for building the family business," Mother smiled that same smile that Adoni had and again Shamayim responded in kind!!
"He does favor her!" Arielle thought and almost laughed aloud.
"Yes mother, I will do all that He requires," she said, quickly recovering her composure.
"Yes my love, I know you will, however now it is my turn to bless you pertaining to your new adventure!" declared her wonderful Mother. Once again pure overwhelming radiance issued from this Most High Zeva and forever altered Arielle's destiny.
"Charity or pure love is indeed the economy of all positive creation. Cheerfulness is our currency in serving one another, "began the Queen of exaltation. " I have begotten and raised vast concourses of children upon this world and have and will stand by your Father throughout infinities. He is the perfect Provider, Protector and President."
"Yet, you my child must now Create, Nurture and Teach the greatest asset of all…'the Family of Zeva'! With all that, comes the task of managing said family upon the temporal world you have already helped organize for your own earthly experience. The Legacy never ends and the children for whom it exists neither ends. Your task will never end. You will be exhausted and work your fingers to the bone, even giving birth in great pain! Do not give up hope because your happiness, glory and family will also have no end!"
Arielle shuddered in pure ecstasy at her Mother's regal declaration!
"Now you are leaving this near-perfection behind for a short season to become all that you were intended to be and there is only one way to reclaim what you have left. Therefore," continued the exalted Mother,
"I now bless you my beloved Arielle through my keys of Eternity to establish a Forever Family. I give unto you the unmatched power over emotion which is the glue that bonds together the nevma, mind and body of the mortal soul. You will be enabled to build, feel and heal the very soul of the family of Zeva in all its relationships upon your mortal Earth."
"These blessings embrace the very virtues of Kohanim which are persuasion, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, love unfeigned, kindness and pure knowledge which shall greatly enlarge your soul."
"Remember the mantle of the security blanket of your eternal family which we have, with great effort, spun, woven and adorned together here. This blanket is the heirloom of our eternal family which you will spread out to cover your own."
"You will lead out in the infinite work of unity, combining the soul and the family on the Earth. Without you and your Sisters and this sacred power, there would be no purpose in mortality. Take great caution when Samael deceives you to abuse this great force whereby you might manipulate the agency of another through negativity."
"The unequaled power of Procreation will be yours. No other sensation upon the Earth will match the pleasurable joy you will receive in your husband's embrace as you fully give of your whole souls to one another. In distracting pain you will bring into life a precious soul which may be joyfully sealed unto you both. This power will be misunderstood and abused by many. Guard yourself at all costs, for misery and pain eventually come to those who abuse this sanctified power and then shun the healing of Mashia's cleansing."
"I bless you then to reach into the hearts of your loved ones to allow them to connect with themselves, with you and with the Lord. They will marvel at these miraculous motherly moments and you will, through your unwavering works, teach them how to master their own souls and destinies. All of my daughters are the empaths of their families, regardless of its composition. This is both a blessing and burden."
"I therefore bless you with an added measure of that charity and cheerfulness necessary to build a Shamayim on Earth in your home. Your Brothers and Husband and children will revere you in your matriarchal prowess and seek your counsel in these paramount matters."
"Others will mock you from their splendid flotillas, yet you will pay them no heed. I give unto you every skill and blessing you will need to begin your Eternal family, whether upon the Earth or back here upon your return. You will receive your exaltation and eternal family as you totally commit and enact your covenants with your Father!"
"Alas, I will remain silent as you yearn for my love and counsel. This will be one of your greatest challenges as it is mine! Yet, take heart, it will eventually become one of your greatest strengths, that you yourself may become an oasis of strength, not only for yourself but for your entire family. As my Zeva Daughter you are the pillar upon which the Eternal family is built, just as I am that same pillar for Our Family! Your very name Arielle means 'altar of Zeva'! Your children will worship upon this same altar forever. Know this! By your increasing relationship with Adoni, you will feel my love and presence, for he indeed does 'favor me' !!"
Both Mother and daughter burst out in joyous laughter, then weeping until they supported each other in their final Celestial embrace for what would seem to Arielle like forever.
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