Chapter 5: Council Reconvened

Again the Grande Council was convened. Again the Father proclaimed that Adoni was to be what he already was for all of us, the great Exemplar and Redeemer. 

Arielle clearly remembered, "it was Adoni to whom I apprenticed in Father's family enterprise. It was Adoni who demonstrated the profound and complex principles and procedures of organization and governance. Certainly it was his encouragement that prompted me to exercise my own Zeva-vested powers, to do the work, eventually on my own. Finally, it was this savior who cheerfully and without exception fixed my many mistakes." 

She couldn't help both grimace and grin at the countless errors she endured. "But look at me now, an accomplished journeywoman in the work ! "

"In fact we all worked together in seamless unity ," recounted Arielle.  "While the Lord was busily repairing my mistakes, Hakodesh would tutor and direct, comfort and prepare me for my next task. Disappointment soon fled and I was always left excited, exonerated and experienced!"

" And  after all the study, work, repairs and final success, I was the one who was always celebrated as the victor, to wear the noble Laurel of Glory as presented by the Father Himself! Adoni’s selflessness was legendary as he facilitated us all this unique honor."

"Likewise, the responsibility of failure was squarely placed upon my shoulders! This, I knew, was the preparation for the ultimate accountability for my own soul, which trial I was about to endure upon my Earth"

These thoughts were overshadowed as Father turned over the meeting with, "this is my beloved Son, hear him!".  

Adoni looked directly into the hearts of all whom Samael had deceived. He expounded anew that the negativity, of whose effect all had been forewarned, which they allowed into their immortal nevmas would not be tolerated. "For", he resounded "no unclean thing can pollute the Kingdom of Zeva! "

Arielle perceived powerfully that edict as did all present tremble at the power of his word.

Next, Adoni knelt down and openly wept! 

He pleaded with the Father that he himself would redeem all those who had allowed negativity to poison their pristine nevma. He also, who was now a most High Zeva, would personally extract that most powerful venom from those who unwisely permitted this destructive choice. 

Suddenly, a tsunami-like wave of exquisite force emanated from his being. Hosts of the negatively affected  swarmed like an enormous hive while the furnace-forged energy purged them of all negativity and they returned pure once more!! This wonderous altruistic act  drained him of his virtue as he inevitably suffered in their place! She had never before seen her noble Brother in such anguish to be transformed so readily into ecstatic joy for all!

Adoni had then initiated the maiden voyage, by absorbing the crippling negative energy of which countless Zeva children would later encounter upon the hybrid worlds they would all soon inhabit. This extraordinary transition left all in marvelous wonder! Once again they were at one with the almighty Zeva family as they were meant to be.

"How he loves us and desires that none leave the Kingdom in disgrace", Arielle's heart was bursting at his compassion and with her own infinite love for these, her kin!


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