Chapter 8: Celestial Carry-ons

Arielle's attention was acutely riveted upon the omniscient Father. He continued, "Although all will not remember their previous life due to the veil, everyone will depart with three great nevma resources. These I give you are my glory and power which you have already tasted here in Shamayim! These extraordinary  endowments, each one of you will carry to their Earth. Condensed and divinely dehydrated to fit within your mortal frame, to be rehydrated by faith in Mashia who is the Living Water. Used together, these enabling tools will activate my power and protection in your mortal condition."

"Everyone will experience 'nevma amnesia' after you pass through the veil, a required doorway into mortality. This is a condition which will continually affect your now fixed memories. Remembering will not be an immediate nor indelible experience such as it is here. You will all struggle with this new affliction. It is when you allow Hakodesh to assist, that pertinent memories will be brought back to your mind. Perhaps a greater struggle will be acclimating your new bodies to assimilate the fresh intelligence which he brings to your Second Estate. You will be required to abandon cherished items to accommodate greater, more pertinent ones. This is true sacrifice."

"Sadly, I will not visit you at your planetary schools. However I desire to be visited by you through interstellar nevmal communication, to be known as prayer. Like before, you must learn how best to contact your Father. I promise you that the lines will never be too busy! Many will attempt to instruct you. Only Mashia has the correct code to reach me. Hakodesh is the only one authorized to carry my response back to you.  Search inwardly within the Sacred Chambers you will have the opportunity to create there.  Then you will surely gain an audience with Me."

"I will send Adoni, my only mortal Son, who will continue to correct errors and enable positive growth by giving you the answers to life's questions, contained in his declared instructions. The great Hakodesh will also represent Me upon your new belligerent worlds as an inner Navigator. Each of you must relearn to distinguish that voice, the sagest of conflicting voices, which will always be quiet and gentle, yet filled with positive power to enhance your journey on the humble path of discipline."

"As unique as the snowflake, each of you possess a part of Me and your Mother. My beautiful children, you have progressed as far as you can upon your First Estate. You are now prepared to receive your Second Estate, your Mortal Soul and Forever Family!” 

"This was the good news we have all long awaited!" Arielle's heart was now racing.

"Before cutting the nevma umbilical cord, you will be assured of the capability to excel, hence these basic components follow each of you. Because the nevma is considerably more powerful than the element, Samael would have a disproportionate advantage over everyone in mortality. Therefore you will have access to these three positive  resources which will guide and protect you while in your forgetful state."

"First, in the garden of Innocence, within the fruit of the Tree of Life, I will  replant the essence of Zeva which is agency.  At the core of agency is your divine reason. This is also the source of your longing for freedom and dominion."

"This enabling  to choose for yourself can never be taken away but, it can be given away to the forces of negativity which will disturb, then disable, next enslave and finally destroy your Divine potential. Samael has vowed to get this power from you, that which you refused him in the First Grande Council. This is 'Your Eternal Dominion!'  You are an eternally sovereign being! Guard this well for he seeks complete control. Contention and coercion are also in the arsenal of those who will expose and enslave all who negotiate away their precious agency. 

Second, you must exactly identify what is from the Positive realms and what is Samael's deception. To this I give each of you the scanning beam of the Light of Mashia. This is that portion of positivity infused into the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  This will come to be known to many as the conscience. Its unfailing and instantaneous detection of positivity and negativity will both warn and identify all that lies ahead. Scrutinize every bit you encounter at the speed of thought. Like every other nevma tool, this must be used constantly,  maintained and kept clean to remain an effectual searchlight to you."

"Third, you are allowed to retain a portion of your present powers of nevmal creativity, referred to as Imagination upon Earth. You will 'give 'birth to an image' in your altered intelligence to plan the course of action you will choose. This power has enabled you all, who already have participated in the processes of creation, organization and governance, the ability to legislate your own destiny."

"All things created are first made in the intelligence of the mind of Zeva.  You, as my children, are innately endowed with all my attributes, and ever growing to obtain your highest potential to become like and be with the Shamayim family eternally."

"You are like Me, therefore be like Me!"

"Since you have chosen to keep your First Estate, while upon your mortal worlds, you too will become my agents after you apply Mashia's instructions to again covenant with me."

"As light energy consumers, your whole soul will subsist upon the positive light of the Master. Your body will digest the plant food that has been given power to transform light energy into sustainable life energy. Your mind will become a veritable network of light energy which will illuminate all your understanding. Your nevma, the governing faction of your soul, will be enlivened by the light and knowledge I will send you by the Gift of Hakodesh."

"There on earth, your mortal shell will experience the constant tug pulling you to a lower energy state, this is referred to as the Natural man or woman. Desires called laziness, selfishness, lust and pride will crack your temporary laminate and unless repaired and reinforced by Mashia, the  flood of negative damage is inevitable."

"The glorious reality of restoration for those stranded on the eroded banks of disaster is  found in the redemptive power of the Master. Never give up hope, my beloved children!"

"As a dual, mortal / nevma being, you will experience what is called sleep, something of which is now alien. Your body and brain must rejuvenate, renew and heal every evening. Since your immortal nevma never sleeps you will learn to acquiesce to positive or negative influence while your body regenerates."

"After you have reclaimed your nuclear capabilities, if you so choose, you will have the great honor of being taught while in this state of mortal sleep. Choose well which force will train you during this most susceptible time."

"When awakening you must exercise your agency and choose which Force you will follow each successive day of your mortal life. If you choose not to choose, then the negative influences will have advantage since you have not raised your positive force field and aligned your soul with Me that particular day"

"Each day is a non-renewable opportunity to build upon the foundation of the Master. Your mansion or your slum which you will build day by day becomes your eternal residence forever. This is now also your participatory work. Choose well my beloved children. "

"Once upon your Earths, everyone of you, my precious ones, will be empowered to combine your thought creations with those temporal elements. Only within the confines of your worlds can you build. The substances of your Second Estate define those limits. If your work is positive, then your payment will also be. If negative, then your world will be burdened with an imbalance and as always, only Mashia will have power to extricate."

"You may mercifully start over with the enabling strength of Adoni. This is a fresh start, also referred to as a new heart, when you rethink and re-do by means of your agency, conscience and imagination."

"All this new instruction is building an immovable foundation of testimony in truth within me, cemented by the brilliant light of Father's words!" exulted Arielle. 

"Upon departure, each soul will then be packaged with corresponding and unique strengths, according to your personalities, interests and accomplishments here in our World," directed Father.  "Lead forth in confidence with these strengths. With these strengths come associated weaknesses that will, when recognized, bring you humility. This is an opportunity to learn from Hakodesh those things nowhere found in that world, which will eventually enhance your strengths. Beware, Samael will attempt to convince you that your weaknesses are negative and evil; however nothing could be further from the truth."

"You will be tempted to create doubt, discord, fear and all manner of negativity in your imagination. Samael will miss no opportunity to disarm any portion of these three glorious weapons of mass construction. If you give in, then the damage will be done and you will have surrendered a portion of your agency. Only the intervention of Adoni can absorb and rid the cancerous creations you have brought into your life and world. " 

"One of the most important achievements that you will attain upon your Earth is that you will see with inner eyes the infinite worth of every soul upon every world. My Mashia will teach you how to do this. Then you will be well on your way to reclaiming your Celestial Superpower which you have faithfully earned here with the Master."

"In becoming a 'Healing Helper' of the Lord, and assisting him in the work of redeeming your earthly family, constant attention is required.  You must begin your day before the whirlwinds of obligations sweep you into the multi-faceted distractions of everyday life. Rebuild your Divine Dream, that Superpower within, one step at a time. Address each obstacle with a Fundamental Question that allows you to create your own solution as an offering to Me in prayer. Surely I will send you Hakodesh to further this grande reconstruction on a superior  level. Your daily and dutiful participation is critical."

"You may by nature stumble, hesitate, doubt, and occasionally fail at every turn.  Especially when you attempt to progress on your own or act upon negative suggestions. Do not despair because you will never be far from help. Every failure in faith is fortified with positive nourishment. Mother is indeed exceedingly pleased when you all take your nevma vitamins everyday!" chuckled the Greatest.

"Time or temporality is a major component of your mortal education and is a just master. This is not only a framework for your Second Estate but another element over which you will have dominion in the Tequmah."

"If you are true and faithful, you will be called by name, to the valley of Edamah. There to be given your assignment in building the final phase of Tsion.  Your specific tool is the Celestial Superpower that you will have faithfully reconstructed with Master Mashia. This is all done by living his Word in its entirety and while progressing daily upon the Covenant highway."

"Father has spoken and thus it eternally exists and by His utterance is new truth and light! Thank you for these indispensable life supports," Arielle and all creation surely knew this as absolute truth to build an unfailing foundation upon the playing field in mortality.



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